The State of Australian University Research 2018–19: ERA National Report presents a comprehensive assessment by discipline of the quality of research activity conducted in Australia’s higher education institutions. This report provides information on the discipline-specific research activity of each eligible Australian higher education institution (see Appendix 1—Eligible Institutions), and the contribution of each discipline to the national landscape.
The ERA National Report is divided into six sections which are listed below:
- The Introduction provides an overview of the ERA framework and methodology.
- Section 1—ERA 2018 National Overview provides a national summary of world standard research performance, a summary of all data submitted for the purposes of the ERA evaluation and some comparative data between ERA rounds.
- Section 2—Overview by Two-Digit Fields of Research Code provides a summary of two-digit FoR codes for the suite of indicators presented in ERA.
- Section 3—Results by Fields of Research Code provides a summary of evaluation outcomes and data for four-digit FoR codes, including key volume and activity information and ERA rating outcomes.
- Section 4—National Profiles by Fields of Research Code provides a detailed breakdown of ERA data by two- and four-digit FoR codes.
- Section 5—ERA 2018 Institution Report provides the ERA ratings for each assessable Unit of Evaluation (UoE) for each of the 42 institutions eligible to participate in ERA.