The ANZSRC Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) codes classify R&D activity according to the intended purpose or outcome of the research rather than the processes or techniques used to achieve this objective (for a detailed list see ANZSRC 2008).
UoAs assessed for impact and approach to impact had the option of listing SEO codes which related to the impact study. Ninety-four per cent of UoAs assessed for impact and approach to impact listed at least one SEO code.
The table displays the occurrence of SEO Code by two-digit FoR Code. For example, for 04 Earth Sciences the most frequently listed SEO code was 96 Environment.
The chart presents the frequency with which SEO codes were listed across all UoAs. The most commonly listed SEO codes were:
- 92 Health—covers R&D directed towards human health
- 97 Expanding Knowledge—covers R&D which does not have any other identifiable socio-economic objective
- 95 Cultural Understanding—covers R&D directed towards an improved understanding of culture
- 96 Environment—covers R&D directed towards the environment
- 94 Law, Politics and Community Services—covers R&D directed towards law, politics and community services.