Number of assessed UoAs by institution—Engagement
Forty of Australia's 42 higher education institutions participated in the EI 2018. The total number of UoAs assessed for engagement was 626. The maximum total assessable UoAs for an institution was 23 UoAs representing the two-digit FoRs, including the split of 11 Medical and Health Sciences.
Number of assessed UoAs by institution—Engagement
Number of assessed UoAs by institution—Impact and approach to impact
The total number of UoAs assessed for each impact and approach to impact was 637.
The maximum total assessable UoAs for an institution was 25 UoAs representing the two-digit FoRs, including the split of 11 Medical and Health Sciences, as well as the interdisciplinary and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research impact studies.
Rating distribution for all two-digit UoEs
Number of assessed UoAs by two-digit Fields of Research—Engagement
The chart displays the number of UoAs assessed for engagement. For engagement, the FoRs with the most UoAs assessed were 11 Public and Allied Health Sciences (39) and 13 Education (38), 16 Studies in Human Society (36), 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services (36), and 11 Biomedical and Clinical Sciences (36).
Number of assessed UoAs by two-digit FoR—Engagement
Number of assessed UoAs by two-digit Fields of Research—Impact and approach to impact
The chart displays the number of UoAs assessed for impact and approach to impact.
For impact and approach to impact, the FoRs with the most assessed UoAs were 11 Public and Allied Health Sciences (38), 13 Education (38) and 16 Studies in Human Society (36).