This section provides a national summary of research performance and a summary of the data that was submitted for the EI 2018 assessment.
The charts show the distribution of ratings across all UoAs for engagement, impact and approach to impact.
Of the 626 engagement UoAs that were rated in EI 2018, 215 (34 per cent) attained a rating of high. A further 317 (51 per cent) attained a rating of medium. Overall, 85 per cent of engagement UoAs were rated at medium or high.
Of the 637 UoAs that were assessed for impact in EI 2018, 277 (43 per cent) attained a rating of high. A further 284 (44 per cent) received a rating of medium. Overall, 88 per cent of UoAs were rated as high or medium for impact.
For approach to impact, 159 (25 per cent) attained a rating of high. A further 325 (51 per cent) received a rating of medium. Overall, 76 per cent were rated as high or medium for approach to impact.
Note: UoAs, aside from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research impact study, could indicate (flag) whether the impact study contained Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander content. The purpose of the flag was to assist in the allocation of impact studies to panel members with the most relevant expertise including, where required, across panels.
Seventy-two of 637 impact studies were flagged by universities as having Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research content. Thirty of these were assigned across panels. Of those, two UoAs received both a rating for the overall content of the impact study, and a rating for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research content for impact and/or approach to impact.